Happy Laundry Wand customer in position at a yoga class, not worrying about Laundry.

Laundry vs. Yoga

With Laundry Wand's convenient pickup and delivery service subscription, you could be spending your time doing things you actually enjoy, like yoga...

On top of not spending hours sorting, washing, and folding laundry, with a subcription in place you could be getting regular pickups at a discouted rate. Why not match your weekly or bi-weekly pickups with a yoga class or whole day off to go do what you love. Lets face it, it's not like your just saving one single hour having all your laundry washed and then each item folded for you. It's an hour just trying to match up all those socks. Instead, Yoga. Yoga Yoga Yoga. It's really good for you. If you don't do a class look up a video on youtube and follow along at home. Finding inner piece is much easier when you know your washing is being done while you take a minute for your physical and mental health. With Laundry Wand, you can have the best of both worlds - clean clothes and a clear mind. So why not ditch the laundry and hit the mat?

Schedule a pickup today and start enjoying more of what you love!

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Pricing made simple

Pickup & Delivery is Free with our Wash & Fold laundry service. Laundry is charged by the pound. We calculate the weight when the laundry is clean and dry.

Our minimum order for Pickup & Delivery is 30 lbs and 15 lbs for in-store Wash & Fold.

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Weekly and Bi-Weekly Laundry Pickups, Priced Per lb

P.2ay.3 As Y.2ou G.2o

Order Laundry Pickups When Ready, Priced Per lb

Click here to see a full price list and specific prices of specialty and oversized items.

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P.2ick.4up & Delivery.3