Energy-efficient washers, rooftop solar and tankless water heaters.

The Environment is important to our family and became even more important when we set up our laundry business. We have lived off grid in the past and in doing so realized how hard it is to really reduce our carbon footprint...

After some hard truths and some lifestyle ajustments we got there whilst living by the ocean in Mexico. That was a while back and since then we are in the laundry business and have employed the latest technologies to be able to offer a washing experience that has as least an impact on the environment as possible. We hope to welcome lots of customers that feel the same way and appreciate the behind-the-scenes steps we have taken to offer the same convenience and washing experience customers expect done in an eco-freindly way.

Sch.3edul.2e a P.2ick.4up

Check to see if our delivery van already visits your area.

laundry pickup & delivery service

If you are in Pasadena, North East LA or Downtown LA you can have your laundry picked up by our van as its passing through your neighbourhood. You can choose your washing preferences online when you Schedule a Pickup, including any special instructions for delicate items...

You can specify if you want to leave your laundry on your doorstep or have the driver take it by hand. Our laundry delivery vans pick up from apartment buildings and walk up hillside stairs. If your hard to find, don't worry, our drivers will give you a call. Once we have completed our first washing service we can switch you to a smarter, more eco-friendly schedule. Schedule a Pickup or Call us at: +1 310 623 2477 to get started over the phone.

Pricing made simple

Pickup & Delivery is Free with our Wash & Fold laundry service. Laundry is charged by the pound. We calculate the weight when the laundry is clean and dry.

Our minimum order for Pickup & Delivery is 30 lbs and 15 lbs for in-store Wash & Fold.

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Weekly and Bi-Weekly Laundry Pickups, Priced Per lb

P.2ay.3 As Y.2ou G.2o

Order Laundry Pickups When Ready, Priced Per lb

Click here to see a full price list and specific prices of specialty and oversized items.

Sch.3edul.2e a F.2ree.2
P.2ick.4up & Delivery.3

Our homemade custom-scented eco-detergents

They work and smell better than store bought detergents.

Highland Park based business women Tona and Jessica’s mens grooming line Mountain Beast develop products from 100% natural herbs and oils...

Their natural homemade soap (which is amazing) serves as the inspiration for our 100% natural detergent. It turns out that the 100% natural and luxurious soap they make can be shaved down and mixed with borax, baking soda and other naturally occurring elements to make detergent. The mixture cleans like magic, takes on scents really easily and has zero impact on the environment once run though our outbound water filtration system.

Homemade Custom Scented Detergent Co Created By: Mountain Beast Man Tonic

In-store zero packaging option

Plastic washing detergent bottles are impossible to get rid of in a clean way. Our homemade custom-scented eco-detergents use no packaging...

Our eco-friendly detergents are offered to both our laundry customers and pickup & delivery customers. Choose from our selection of subtle natural scents and have your clothes smelling great.

Photo of Laundry Wand's range of eco-friendly detergents.

Say Hi and Try

Visit in-store to try out our packagingless homemade eco-detergent and then order your pickup and delivery washing from home, knowing your are washing clothes in the best way possible for the environment.

Sch.3edul.2e a P.2ick.4up

Photo of Laundry Wand's range of eco-friendly detergents.

In stores soon...

Laundry Wands Homemade detergents. We have created the perfect homemade natural detergent, now we need to design eco-friendly packaging and get it in stores...

We are going to offer a little slice of laundry magic to customers who live outside the Los Angeles area. Laundry Wand is committed to changing the laundry industry with custom scents and eco-friendly practices in the future.

Please review our laundry pickup and delivery service

We are a new business so we are still building our reviews. If you could leave us a review that would really help...

If you have an idea how we can improve our service please let us know. We are fully committed to offering the best laundry experience possible and really appreciate any input you might have to make our service better.

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Experience the magic of Laundry Wand.

Thanks for visiting our website and reading about laundry pickup and delivery in LA and how else Laundry Wand want to change the industry...

You can only know the magic of Laundry Wand’s Laundry Pickup and Delivery Service once you order it. We are happy to pickup whenever it’s convenient with you so let’s get your 1st order at 25% off scheduled.

Sch.3edul.2e a F.2ree.2
P.2ick.4up & Delivery.3